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Wreck Alley Private Dive Charter
Your group of 10 divers with two guides: $2400 
Your group of 12 divers with no guides: $2400
3 Tanks Yukon, Ruby E, NOSRC Tower (or One Dive Kelp Beds)

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Charters out daily to Wreck Alley, the HMCS Yukon,or the Ruby E, or the NOSC Tower, or the Point Loma Kelp Beds
Basic certified OK for Ruby E and NOSC Tower and Point Loma Kelp Beds. But, advanced certification for the HMS Yukon.
The HMS YUKON IS A 399 ft. long Canandian Destroyer resting in 100ft/30meters. It sank in darkness during heavy sells before the professionals could sink it as an artificial reef.

The Rub E is an older wreck very near the Yukon. Once a US Coast Guard ship, it is well developed in sea life and is resting in 80ft.25 meters of water.

Rental Gear: Full rentals are available at $85.00 per set including 7MM wet suits.

Note: Minimum 10 people, with two guides.
Minimum  12 people no guide.


 Are you bringing a camera to dive La Jolla Cove? 

– Bring a magenta filter (for green) for your camera.

Are you bringing a camera to dive Palau with us? 

– Bring a red filter (for blue) for you camera.