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Take a look at some of the La Jolla Cove scuba shots taken by our guests. Scuba diving the San Diego kelp forest is an unforgettable experience. The La Jolla Cove underwater reserve has been protecting sea life for 73 years. This reserve is what divers write about in their personal journals. Words alone cannot describe the beauty or the enchantment expressed by divers, snorkelers, and kayakers at the San Diego La Jolla Cove Ecological Reserve.
We invite you to join one of our many San Diego diving adventures in the giant kelp forest at La Jolla Cove. The reserve boosts a large variety of sealife from both large to small. Also, charter boat dives to Los Coronados and Wreck Alley.
San Diego ocean diving is a very rewarding experience with our good visibility waters, kelp forest communities, sea cliffs and caves. Kelp forest diving is a unique experience you cannot pass up. Just imagine a guided scuba tour through the kelp forest…